Bringing People and Savings Together
Why Use a Broker For Energy


Energy Management Partners is a full service family owned Energy Management Company with over three generations of experience in the energy market. We have grown to a team of fully-certified professionals dealing with everything from small to large complex energy solution projects with the goal of bringing people and savings together. Driven by innovation and commitment we provide our clients with the lowest fixed prices on all of your utilities in the most seamless transition possible.
We will work as your energy consultant and as member of our Energy Consulting Group, you will receive our full attention while saving you thousands of dollars. We are dedicated to promoting energy efficiency, energy reduction, and most importantly energy savings for you. Let us show you how!!
Reason 3
We offer consulting services. If your company's situation is non traditional we can offer you services that a supplier cannot. We can offer services such as auditing and rate scheduling.
Reason 2
Suppliers know that by giving the broker competitive prices they will get the competitive edge. This will give them the opportunity to bring in large business from the broker.
This type of "volume discount" is not available when the customer deals directly with the supplier.
Reason 1
When energy suppliers are forced to compete for your business, you save money. Suppliers will offer a lower price to brokers as compared to a customer simply because they know they have to compete for the business. This drives the final price downward.
Renewable Solar Options
Solar Options
Auditing Service
Government rebates
Savings on your Bill
Low Fixed Rate Pricing
Gas / Electric
We will bid your energy with multiple ESCOS to bring you the lowest gas and electric prices possible.
Low Fixed Rate Pricing
Savings on your bill.
The Smart Valve: A patented water saving device that can save 10% on your water bill by increasing meter accuracy: Try it for 90 Days.
Retrofits and Rebates
Immediate savings of 65% on your Bill
Incentives of 35-60% from Utility company to cover out of pocket costs
Lightning Maintenance costs will be reduced by 100%
Financing available
Average 14-28 Month Return on Investment
Reason 4
We can work with dozens of suppliers to get you the best possible rates as opposed to dealing with an individual supplier.
Reason 5
We understand how suppliers work and speak their language. We maintain and review the supplier contracts on a daily basis.
Reason 6
The price we provide is the bottom line and truly an all in price. There are no hidden taxes or fees.
Fax: 212.937.3100
Tel: 212.439.1005
Tel: 212.439.1005


Low Oil Pricing #2 and #4.
Oil to Gas Conversion.